This interactive day is appropriate for primary care clinicians, GPs, practice nurses and community nurses or any professional involved with CKD in primary care. You may be dipping the urine, following up the results of health checks, managing diabetes, hypertension, established CVD or simply caring for our more mature population. This study day will help you to look differently at blood pressure and the whole management of CKD.
What is it about?
We set the national and individual impact of CKD in perspective, moving quickly on, as doing is different to understanding.
The role of the tests for CKD are immortalised in the “kidney chef” production where we turn blood into urine in front of your very eyes! Once diagnosis is clear the appropriate management principles for CKD in primary care are described and explained, with the very important aspect of when to refer included. Avoiding acute kidney injury (AKI) is a vital aspect of primary care management of hypertension, CKD and simply the elderly population. This study day demystifies this and offers practical solutions.
The day is relaxed and interactive using demonstrations, case studies and most importantly focused on what people working in general practice need to know and do about kidneys.