Originally commissioned by the Department of Health on the launch of NHS Health Checks it has consistently received brilliant feedback. The content morphs to ensure that we are bang up to date with the national requirements. Though power point is involved it is not a webinar, there are characters, explanations and interactions which make it memorable and hopefully fun.
Quick Overview of the Day
We set the current national scene for NHS Health Checks fairly briskly and then go on to explain the whole underlying principle of cardiovascular disease and its development and prevention. In a practical manner we proceed through each aspect of the data required to complete a health check and clarify the relevance. From date of birth, pulse, through to the blood results, we lay each out with the what, why and how for health checks. Explanations to the individual receiving a health check is vital, so descriptions are offered which are memorable and useful for the conversation, which accompanies any health check. The concept of “risk” is tricky and so we have a chance to sit back and think about this and the messages we give to people.
Who is this Day for?
This interactive online day is for anyone who is involved with the delivery or co-ordination at a practice level of NHS Health Checks. The day sets out the need and process of undertaking NHS Health
Checks. From GP and Practice Managers to Health Care Assistants and Health Trainers.